
#OTalk 16th July – The Role of occupational therapy in safeguarding

This week Sophie Grantham @OTSophie will be hosting the chat, here is what she has to say. 

In light of recent experience in my own work setting of increased occupational therapy input in safeguarding enquiries, I felt an OTalk about the topic may help develop my own knowledge, as well as find out more about what is going on in other Occupational Therapy settings.

Safeguarding is a term used in the UK to denote measures to protect the health, wellbeing and human rights of individuals, which allow people to live free from abuse, harm and neglect (Care Act, 2014).

Safeguarding offers a framework used to put appropriate measures in to place to protect people, but if this is the case, why do we as therapists not view it quite in the same way?

Whilst our Social Work colleagues have always been involved in safeguarding, it is something Occupational Therapists appears to be increasingly involved in, and with this in mind, how can we do this, whilst keeping our Occupational values at the core?

This OTalk therefore plans to explore this topic, with the aim of learning from each other.


-What is your current involvement with safeguarding? (any? Explain).

-How do safeguardings affect current practice?

-Do you feel safeguarding should be part of the Occupational Therapy role, why?

-What systems (if any) are in place currently for you to prevent safeguardings?

-How can we as Occupational Therapist’s positively prevent safeguardings?

Post Chat

Host: Sophie Grantham @OTSophie

OTalk Support: Carolina @colourful_ot

Online Transcript

#OTalk Healthcare Social Media Transcript July 16th 2019

The Numbers

1.281M Impressions
253 Tweets
22 Participants
202 Avg Tweets/Hour
12 Avg Tweets/Participant

#OTalk Participants

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